In this groundbreaking series, you’ll discover:

  • The Kun Li Sheng™ method, which awakens the mind, integrates the heart, and plugs you into natural vital power in the body
  • Heart Qigong, a slow, rhythmic set of movements that soothes and regulates the heart, settles the nervous system, and balances body, mind, and spirit
  • The Four Angular Hands practice which renders energy more effectively than brute force in a combative situation
  • Bigu fasting offers quick health benefits including body detox, immune system reboot, cultivation of Qi and spirit, and slowed aging — allowing you to reach higher levels of energy sensation and spirituality
  • How the five elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine relate to key phases of your creative cycles as a woman, and how you can harness them to manifest abundance, joy, and flow in your life
  • More robust tools to deepen your own practice and guide your students

Amplify the Beautiful Elixir of Your Life Force for a Serene Mind, Supple Body & Enlivened Spirit

February 27 – March 3, 2023
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Sign up now to receive these FREE recordings and to be notified about our next Qigong Global Summit series:

  • Tai Chi, Qigong, Peak Performance, and You with David-Dorian Ross
  • Qigong and Western Medicine with Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD & Gloria Y. Yeh, MD, MPH & Shin Lin, PhD

Featured Speakers

Daisy Lee
Daisy Lee
Honoring Our Teachers: Past, Present & Future
Master Chunyi Lin
Master Chunyi Lin
Qigong and Healing
Deng Ming-Dao
Deng Ming-Dao
Applying the I Ching as a Manual for Self-Development
Lindsey Wei
Lindsey Wei
Nei Guan — Inner Observation (Heart of the Crane)
Grandmaster Mantak Chia
Grandmaster Mantak Chia
Dissolve Self-Conflict
Master Faye Li Yip
Master Faye Li Yip
Delve Into a Deeper Practice of Ba Duan Jin and Cultivate Yin-Yang Balance for Vibrant Energy
Lee Holden
Lee Holden
Tips From the Experts: Becoming a Professional Qigong Teacher
Teja Bell Rōshi (老師)
Teja Bell Rōshi (老師)
The Healing Dimensions of Qigong
Mark Tanaka
Mark Tanaka
Centering Your Nervous System Through Qigong and Eastern Somatics
Master Mingtong Gu
Master Mingtong Gu
Healing and Spiritual Awakening as One Path 
Violet Li
Violet Li
Four Angular Hands in Chen Style Tai Chi
Peng Roden Her, L.Ac
Peng Roden Her, L.Ac
3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Qigong
Kathryn Davis
Kathryn Davis
Kun Li Sheng™ Method: Integrating Qigong to Optimize Your Innate Capacities
Deborah Davis, LAc
Deborah Davis, LAc
Soothing Heart Qigong: Regulate Your Heart, Calm the Mind, Allay Stress, and Uplift Your Spirit for Deeper Relaxation and Healing
Robert Peng
Robert Peng
The Master Key: Qigong Secrets for Wisdom, Love, and Vitality
Shin Lin, PhD
Shin Lin, PhD
Qigong and Western Medicine
Peter Wayne, PhD
Peter Wayne, PhD
Catalyzing Whole Person and Planetary Health With Qigong: Emerging Programs at Harvard Medical School’s Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
Master Yan Ming Li
Master Yan Ming Li
Whole Body Prayer: A Practice, Posture, and Way of Life
Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD
Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD
Qigong and Western Medicine
Daniel Orlansky
Daniel Orlansky
Where Yoga Flow and Qigong Meet: The Dance of Heaven and Earth
Tevia Feng
Tevia Feng
Tips From the Experts: Becoming a Professional Qigong Teacher
Dr. Saida Desilets
Dr. Saida Desilets
How Desire and Eros are Essential to Living an Optimized, Vibrant, and Fulfilling Life
David Wong
David Wong
Unlock Your Human Potential
Marisa Cranfill
Marisa Cranfill
Qigong and Women's Health
Josie Weaver
Josie Weaver
Tips From the Experts: Becoming a Professional Qigong Teacher
Gloria Y. Yeh, MD, MPH
Gloria Y. Yeh, MD, MPH
Qigong and Western Medicine
Maria Furlano, DMQ (China), MTOM, LAc
Maria Furlano, DMQ (China), MTOM, LAc
Accessing Your Center Core of Light
David-Dorian Ross
David-Dorian Ross
Tai Chi, Qigong, Peak Performance and You
Damo Mitchell
Damo Mitchell
Making Cultivation Your Own
Master Helen Liang
Master Helen Liang
Health Benefits of Reverse Dantian (Lower Abdominal) Breathing
Roni Edlund
Roni Edlund
Qigong and Women's Health
Gilles Marin
Gilles Marin
Qigong and Healing
Wenlin Tan
Wenlin Tan
The Power of the Creative Cycle: Five Elements for Women's Wellbeing
Kevin W Chen, PhD MPH
Kevin W Chen, PhD MPH
The Interface Between Qigong and Non-Mainstream Therapies and Treatments
Denise Minter
Denise Minter
Qigong and Healing
Dr. Miles Reid
Dr. Miles Reid
The Interface Between Qigong and Non-Mainstream Therapies and Treatments
Zochi Young
Zochi Young
MU-I Taiji Zen: Introduction to the Practice of Fearlessness
Master Bruce Frantzis
Master Bruce Frantzis
The Practitioner's Dao De Jing

With Series Hosts:

Sharon Smith
Senior Instructor, Universal Healing Tao; Director of Immortal Sisters Conference

Sifu Matthew Cohen
Founder of Sacred Energy Arts

Guest host:

Daisy Lee
Founder of Radiant Lotus Qigong

Qigong is the art and science of refining and cultivating internal energy.
— Ken Cohen

Would you love to master timeless techniques that release stress, foster fluidity, and ground your body and inner being to navigate daily life with ease?

Through simple yet powerful forms and meditations, you can take your healing, health, and vital energy to the next level

… directing life-force energy (known as “Qi”) to specific parts of your body, transforming anxiety, stress, and disease into self-confidence, inner peace, and optimal health.

The 2023 Qigong Global Summit series is your opportunity to expand and energize your own Qigong practice under the guidance of masters from around the world — including Daisy Lee, Deng Ming-Dao, Master Chunyi Lin, Lee Holden, Lindsey Wei, Grandmaster Mantak Chia, Master Mingtong Gu, Teja Bell Roshi, Faye Li Yip, Mark Tanaka, and many others.

These renowned instructors will guide you through Qigong techniques you can use yourself, or that you can repurpose to show your students how to choose their moods and energize their bodies… align and cultivate their center core of lightsynthesize yoga and Qigong into a combined, potent practice… and claim physical and mental health benefits by engaging in Qigong as a spiritual practice, among other benefits.

You’ll have experiential opportunities to activate quick shifts in your body, regardless of whether you’re new to Qigong or an experienced practitioner enhancing your skill set.

And you’ll absorb the philosophies and follow guided Qigong movement and meditation techniques designed to advance you — and your teaching practice — to the next level of mastery.

Professionals Corner

Also, be sure to keep an eye out for additional professional track sessions and expert panels that will offer leading-edge industry information to add to your toolkit, allowing you to move to the next level in your teaching practice:

  • Applying the I Ching as a Manual for Self-Development with Deng Ming-Dao
  • Emerging Qigong Programs at Harvard’s Osher Center for Integrative Medicine with Peter Wayne
  • Intersections: Qigong, Tai Chi, and Yoga with Sifu Matthew Cohen
  • 3 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Qigong with Peng Roden Her
  • Accessing Your Center Core of Light with Maria Furlano
  • Becoming a Professional Qigong Teacher: Tips from the Experts with Josie Weaver, Lee Holden, and Tevia Feng
  • Qigong and Western Medicine with Shin Lin, PhD, Roger Jahnke, OMD, and Gloria Y. Yeh, MD
  • Qigong and Women's Health with Daisy Lee, Marisa Cranfill, and Roni Edlund
  • Qigong and Healing with Master Chunyi Lin, Denise Minter, and Gilles Marin
  • The Interface Between Qigong and Non-Mainstream Therapies and Treatments with Dr. Miles Reid, Kevin W. Chen, PhD, and Sifu Matthew Cohen

In this online series, you’ll discover how to effectively integrate Qigong practices into your life that cover a wide array of healing and practical applications, including purging stress, exploring flow, and connecting to your natural surroundings with greater serenity and ease.

You’ll have ongoing access to lifelong practice material that will offer benefits long after the series is over. Whether you’re new to Qigong or a dedicated practitioner, there’s something new for you to learn and add to your routines, or to incorporate into the care you give your clients.

Here’s some of what our foremost Qigong elders and luminaries will be sharing with you…

Master Mingtong Gu will introduce the ancient wisdom and new science of Wisdom Healing Qigong, a self-healing modality that combines gentle movements, sound healing, visualization, and meditation.

Deng Ming-Dao will share profound wisdom teachings from one of the oldest books in the world — the I Ching, also referred to as Yijing, The Book of Changes.

Faye Li Yip will lead an experiential session to demonstrate Ba Duan Jin Qigong, practiced for millennia for its positive effects on one’s body, mind, spiritual wellbeing, and ability to cultivate Yin-Yang balance for vibrant energy.

Lindsey Wei will share about Nei Guan, a form of Daoist quietistic meditation, used as a method of training mind and spirit to observe emptiness and void.

Grandmaster Mantak Chia will explain how to recognize your own positive and negative emotions in order to dissolve self conflict.

Mark Tanaka will discuss how Qigong and other Eastern somatic practices provide unique tools that can help you regulate your nervous system to stay calm and centered, and get unstuck from self-sabotaging patterns.

Teja Bell Roshi will reveal that the healing, restoring, and strengthening dimensions of your Qigong practice weave together profound insights of science into a deep understanding of the human body and psyche.


And much more...

Qigong rises from the insight of shamans and is cultivated through generations of Taoist philosophers, codified in the science of Traditional Chinese Medicine, infused with the spirit of Buddhism, externalized to influence social norms through Confucianism, and updated to meet current challenges.
— Kathryn Davis from her QGS 2023 session

Scientific Evidence Shows Health Benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi

Mind, body, and spirit transformations can occur at the intersection of where the ancient arts of Qigong, Tai Chi, martial arts, and yoga meet.

The benefits of these different practices have been shown to increase self-healing and longevity while alleviating the physical impacts of long-term stress…

… claims that are supported by documented biological evidence — based on Western medicine neuroscience research — verifying the proven health benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi.

Research also shows that Qigong is good for the mind, and can lead to using different aspects of your brain by creating new synaptic connections.

In the 2023 Qigong Global Summit series, you’ll follow the world’s top Qigong masters as they guide you through simple routines that you can use to deepen your own practice, or to demonstrate for your own students — exercises that amplify joy and vitality while cultivating better health and longevity.

You’ll be in good hands with series host Sharon Smith, who’s been practicing Qigong, Tai Chi, and other Taoist spiritual and healing arts for more than 40 years, and teaching them for nearly as long…

… series co-host Sifu Matthew Cohen, founder of Sacred Energy Arts… and series guest host Daisy Lee, founder of Radiant Lotus Qigong.

Here’s what participants had to say about previous years’ Qigong Global Summit

“What an exhilarating, eye-opening, inspiring experience!”

What an exhilarating, eye-opening, inspiring experience! My soul was so happy listening to the wise words of all these amazing people. I’m so grateful that they exist — it gives me a lot of hope for the world! It also deepened my knowledge and curiosity of Qigong, and makes me want to know more! I signed up for newsletters from many of the speakers and look forward to learning more from them. Heartfelt thanks for offering this summit! May it grow and bring the benefit of Qigong to more and more people!

— Tara Yin, Canada

“As a beginner, this summit is a feast of brilliant, accomplished Qigong masters and practitioners, so uplifting and inspiring.”

As a beginner, this summit is a feast of brilliant, accomplished Qigong masters and practitioners, so uplifting and inspiring. Who knew there are so many different paths and aspects to Qigong — so rich, powerful, and gentle! Thank you for doing the work to put it together and promote such a rewarding path for enhancement of all aspects of our lives.

— Leela Kew, Austin, Texas

“I loved this great summit; it included some of the greatest names in Qigong as well as some lesser known teachers whom it was such a treat to meet.”

Way above my expectations! I loved this great summit; it included some of the greatest names in Qigong as well as some lesser known teachers whom it was such a treat to meet. The content was varied and spanned wide in all directions. I was delighted to discover many aspects I had not yet encountered, and I learned so much! I'm so grateful to the organizers and the participants. I loved feeling part of this movement. The energy from this summit is still with me weeks later. Thank you from the depth of my heart!
— Alessandra, Rome, Italy

“Next year I'll inform my friends about the date of the next summit because now I know its quality!”

During the well-organized Qigong Summit, qualified persons gave such good explanations about demonstrations of the moves of Qigong and the effects of practicing Qigong that I'm thrilled to start with it! Even for advanced teachers it should be interesting! I am so grateful that I subscribed! Next year, I'll inform my friends about the date of the next summit because now I know its quality! See you next year!

— Françoise V., Belgium

“The Qigong movements helped my body and mind feel grounded and calm, creating an inner atmosphere of peace and harmony.“

This summit was life-changing on many levels. The hosts were wonderful interviewers and brought out the best in each presentation. The teachers were so giving in sharing their wisdom, meditations, breathwork, and Qigong practices. Every day I looked forward to the uplifting community and helpful comments. The presentations were amazing! I learned new teachings and practices in how to let go and heal blockages and allow healthy energy to flow within my body. The Qigong movements helped my body and mind feel grounded and calm, creating an inner atmosphere of peace and harmony. I will revisit this summit often and I'm so thankful to have a daily Qigong morning and evening practice. 

— Audrey Skeen

“It’s a blessing to get in touch with so many Qigong masters and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners all over the world sharing their wisdom…”

It’s a blessing to get in touch with so many Qigong masters and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners all over the world sharing their wisdom, their love, and passion for the practices with so many different approaches — and get nourished from the comfort of your home, any time in your daily schedule. Thank you for the inspiration, Shift team. You rock!

— Amalia Benítez, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

“Thank you for bringing all these beautiful souls together and spreading the aligning power of love in a time it is most needed.”

Knowing that these teachers exist and keep on teaching gives me a sort of relief. Knowing that there are many many humans like me spread across the earth on this plane who practice these ancient works, and knowing that we are only tiny parts of one big living organism, this knowing nourishes the love within me. Thank you for bringing all these beautiful souls together and spreading the aligning power of love in a time it is most needed.

— Ceren Hu, Istanbul, Turkey

“This was so truly inspiring and enriching. It rekindled my enthusiasm and gave me a much deeper understanding of how to practice Qigong.”

This was so truly inspiring and enriching. It rekindled my enthusiasm and gave me a much deeper understanding of how to practice Qigong. I’m very grateful. I gained a lot after so many years of practicing off and on. I feel like I finally got what it is really about and the principles running through all the practices. 

— Barbara Stein, Fairfax, California



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