Program & Replays

3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Qigong

Broadcast on February 28, 2023
With Peng Roden Her, L.Ac
Hosted by Matthew Cohen

According to Peng Roden Her, Qi is the essence of Qigong. Qigong exercises are simply there to explore where and how the Qi flows. As a spiritual practice, studying and understanding of the self are critical to "achieving oneness" — health, and healing are side effects. Explore the benefits of having a mentor, someone who understands that psychosis/disassociation/personality changes are a probability, and has experience keeping students functional in their daily lives.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The essence of Qigong
  • Qigong is a Spiritual practice
  • How to find a teacher who will talk about how Qigong may lead to spiritual awakening
The views expressed are specific to the author/speaker and may vary from the perspectives of The Shift Network's participants, staff, or other speakers.
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Peng Roden Her, L.Ac

Licensed Acupuncturist, Medical Intuitive, & Master of Qigong

Peng Roden Her is a licensed acupuncturist, medical intuitive, and master of Qigong. As a medical intuitive, he has the ability to sense the physical, mental, and emotional ailments of his patients — he combines these gifts to treat both the symptom and the source. It is Peng's belief that we've lost the ability to connect with our "inner teacher." An aspect of our inner consciousness (an inner intelligence of sorts) that guides us toward our highest self (or our sense of the ideal.) It incessantly reminds us to "be ideal" and calls attention to our behaviors that make us fall short of our ideal. He believes that we are all here on a journey. A journey to transform darkness into light. And of some our physical ailments are opportunities to discover "the self" through achieving our ideal. These lessons may sometimes overwhelm us, however, compassion is the way. And through Peng's approach of combining acupuncture and spirituality, he believes he can help encourage patient awareness of this inner intelligence he calls the "inner teacher."

Peng Roden Her, L.Ac