Program & Replays

Accessing Your Center Core of Light

Broadcast on March 01, 2023
With Maria Furlano, DMQ (China), MTOM, LAc
Hosted by Sharon Smith

According to Maria Furlano, your center core of light (located within your Tai Ji Pole) supports your entire energetic system. Tuning into this powerful energetic space also supports your conception vessel (Ren Mai), governing vessel (Du Mai,) and thrusting vessel (Chong Mai,) while integrating and cultivating your three Dantian's and seven internal chakra systems. Posture, breath, and intention are key points for alignment and cultivation of your center core of light.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Where your center core of light is located
  • How your center core of light supports your entire energetic system
  • You can begin to tune into your center core of light. (a 5-10 min seated experiential practice)
The views expressed are specific to the author/speaker and may vary from the perspectives of The Shift Network's participants, staff, or other speakers.
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Maria Furlano, DMQ (China), MTOM, LAc

Doctor of Medical Qigong (China), Vibrational Coach

Maria Furlano began her training in the martial and energetic arts at age 12 and it always felt like home. As a doctor of medical Qigong (China), physician of Chinese medicine, and a spiritual intuitive, Maria has worked with students and private clients for over 20 years sharing how to consciously build resilience and mental peace, while moving into a deeper relationship with their spirit/mind/body energy and intuitive gifts. She is founder of The Art Of Tuning In, LLC (a studio for energetic and intuitive cultivation,) and is host of The Art Of Tuning In Podcast.

Maria Furlano, DMQ (China), MTOM, LAc